Welcome to the Podcast page with a selection of featured items. If you are interested in inviting Alexander for a Podcast session, please leave your information here.

by Ian Peterman
'Energy Collection and Production with Alexander Suma of IBIS Power'
Spoken language: English
Welcome to another episode of the Conscious Design Podcast, today Ian welcomes Alexander Suma. Alexander starts off with a quick background story and introduction of his business. Alexander then mentions where this inspiration for this business came from and how he managed to expand it into a successful business plan. Ian and Alexander then discuss which buildings are the easiest and hardest to work with and how does a building type affect the efficiency of the power production. Alexander then continues to explain the energy collection process and how it is collected. Ian and Alexander then discuss numbers of how much energy can be produced in different scenarios. Alexander then continues to explain in which sectors he sees possible application and where the company is headed. In the guest outro, Alexander shares his final thoughts and invites people to visit his site and contact him if needed.
by Wouter Truffino
'Bringing the world back in balance with nature; PowerNEST'
'De wereld terug in balans brengen met de natuur; PowerNEST'
Spoken language: Dutch
During his Ph.D. research at Miami University, Alexander started developing PowerNEST. He talks about fundamental research and how he won awards (TEDx Innovation Awards, Hermans Wijffels Innovation, and even NASA), when there was only a prototype at that time. Since the end of 2014, the PowerNEST has been further developed and tested. The first version was placed in the Netherlands in December 2017. Alexander also explains where in the world the interest comes from. And of course, he tells his 'why'. Making the world a better place by sustainably generated energy. Will you listen to the story behind and about IBIS Power?
BRAINPORT Podcast: A Bumpy Road
by Tom Jesse
'A Bumpy Road, how to innovate on the energy market'
Spoken language: Dutch
In this podcast we talk about the challenges and pitfalls of innovation and entrepreneurship in the energy market. What are you running into? Where do you find help? What should you be prepared for? In this second episode of A bumpy road, Tom Jessen talks to Alexander Suma, founder of Ibis Power and Fons Sweegers, startup coach Energy & Built Environment at The Gate. Alexander talks about the challenges he faced when starting his company in sustainable energy generation and Fons gives you advice on what to consider when setting up your company. This episode is about, among other things, the start-up phase, financing and putting together a good team.
DE ONDERNEMER Podcast: Prominenten KVK Innovatie Top 100: ‘Durf te investeren en risico te nemen’
by Joni Hendriks
'Prominent Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100 Entrepreneurs: 'Dare to invest and take risks''
Spoken language: Dutch
In this podcast we talk to entrepreneurs who have previously secured a prominent place in the Chamber of Commerce Innovation Top 100. Arnold van der Linden (Timmerbedrijf Van der Linden), Alexander Suma (IbisPower) and Willemijn Wortelboer (Raw Paints) explain how their company has developed since then, how innovative they find the entrepreneurial Netherlands and provide innovative advice to fellow entrepreneurs.