Work Experience
Aug 2012 – Dec 2023
IBIS Power
CEO & Founder - IBIS Power Holding and subsidiaries
IBIS Power invented, developed, and commercially provides a revolutionary renewable energy solution for medium to high-rise buildings generating up to 10x more energy than conventional solar. PowerNEST generates all electric energy for up to 15 building levels with an attractive ROI and is named the crown on the building by renowned architects for its architectural integration and pleasing esthetics.
Delivered as CEO & Founder
Led company from start-up to scale-up with large international traction.
Developed a sales funnel of >500M$ in qualified leads.
Developed a partnership model for accelerated international growth.
Created global awareness of PowerNEST resulting of millions of online views.
Contracted 9M$ in growth capital in equity, grants, and bank financing
Invented 3 products secured with 5 patent families.
Invented first effective roof wind energy technology.
Developed core team of highly qualified individuals with commercial and tech expertise and a winning attitude.
33 International awards for innovation, technology, and business plans.
Jan 2012 – Jan 2014
Smart Energy Buildings & Cities
Managing Director
Educational startup in proptech, contech and cleantech seed stage technologies in a development collaboration between academia and industry.
Develop startup from idea to self-sustaining business
Build a management team
Set up admin, marketing, sales, HR and Compliance
Attract 12 honors-level postgraduates per year for external R&D projects
Develop sales channels with returning customers
Reach 2.4M$ revenue with 2.4M$ booked sales
Establish international collaboration between ESADE (ESP), KTH (SE), UPC (ESP) and TU/e (NL) - HQ.
Jan 2012 – Jan 2014
Eindhoven University of Technology
Program Manager
"Renewable Energy in the Built Environment" of the Eindhoven University of Technology
Lecturer and Researcher in the field of Renewable Energy and Non-Destructive Structural Health Monitoring at the School of Built Environment
Founder NRG Digest Series, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Jan 2011 – Jan 2012
Scientist/Innovator, Structural Reliability Department, Delft, the Netherlands
Jan 2007 – Jan 2010
University of Miami,
Department Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Program manager and Lecturer, Summer Scholars Program (SSP), Coral Gables, FL, USA
Jan 2009 – Dec 2010
University of Miami,
Department Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering
PhD Candidate, Research Assistant, Teaching Assistant (NSF grant), Coral Gables, FL, USA
Sep 2007 – Jan 2008
Jo Coenen & Co Architecten
Architecture and structural designer for the offices in Amsterdam, Maastricht, Berlin and Milan.
Sep 2005 – Jan 2006
Eindhoven University of Technology
Organizing Committee, International Conference Adaptables 2006, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Oct 2019 - Present
Equal Table
Senior Advisor
Non-profit providing an event structure where equal, non-judgmental dialogue takes place between participants. 26 events YTD in Eindhoven and New York
Sep 2018 – Present
Air2Water technology development for tourism industry reducing plastic and pollution, Aruba.
Mar 2020 – Oct 2021
Vivera Products
Founder & CEO
Commercialization and trade of health products, the Netherlands.
2017 - Present
Coach and mentor of several startups and their founders
2014 - Present
Leadership consultant for entrepreneurs and senior executives.
2014 - Present
Leadership consultant for entrepreneurs and senior executives.
Founder, Smart Energy Buildings & Cities Alumni Association, the Netherlands.
2013 - 2015
Board of Directors, University of Miami College of Engineering Alumni Association (UMCoEAA), USA.
2012 - 2014
Board Member Sustainability Platform, City of Meerssen, the Netherlands.
2011 - 2014
PR Executive Board Member YouCon, Association for young professionals in structural engineering in the Netherlands.
2008 - 2011
Board member of the Netherlands South-Florida Scholarship Foundation, USA.
2009 - 2010
Senator of the Graduate Student Association, University of Miami, USA.
2008 - 2010
Webmaster Research Center RB2C, University of Miami, USA.
2005 - 2006
Executive Manager, Placement of price-winning design Relax&Meet at Eindhoven University of Technology Campus, Eindhoven, NL.
2004 - 2005
Executive Manager, SuperTube, 10th Lustrum Eindhoven University of Technology, NL
2004 - 2005
Founder, President and PR board member, pursuit Guinness World Records of largest span bridge made of crates, (12.6m), NL.
2004 - 2005
President of Student Association KOers, NL.
2004 - 2005
Member board of directors Betonvereniging (Dutch National Concrete Association), NL.
2004 - 2005
Chair of Jury, Design Competition for Crate Bridge Design, NL.